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5 Questions to help you personalize your gratitude experience

Thanksgiving is tomorrow! It is hard to believe that November is almost over and December is coming! This week I want to offer some prompts or moments of reflection that could help you dig just a little deeper into gratitude this holiday season. I, along with you, will be finding a few minutes to write down my answers to these prompts as well.
  1. Think of one thing you are grateful for, such as your Family.
  2. Think of what life would be like without your family.
  3. Think of all it took to create that family and think of some memories you've created together.
  4. Think of the unique gifts your family has and how those qualities bless the world.
  5. Last of all, think about how grateful you are to yourself for all you've done for your family and for your life? To find this answer it may be helpful to think about questions such as: What challenges have you overcome? What choices have you made that were a good choices? What choices maybe weren't so great but you learned the lesson from those experiences and are choosing better now?
It may seem strange to think about yourself in this way but I think it's a perfect start to creating the goals you really want for the future, when you understand what you did and didn't like about your past.
So much reflection can happen with gratitude. When we do exercises like this and write them down it can really shift our perspective and give us a renewed energy of hope and peace for the future. I challenge you do some of these. If you do and you find it has made a difference in your life let us know, we would love to hear about it.



Christy and the family

P.S. Don't forget to submit your selfies to be entered to win 100 days of gratitude journal! Send them to to enter!