A Reminder Of God's Love
Hey there Friend!
First can we just address that it's December!!! So crazy!
As I've contemplated what to share today I feel the need to talk about a scripture I love. It's in 1 John 3:2- "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear; we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is."
As I read these words I am reminded that we are made in the image of God. I know not everyone believes that God has a body of flesh and bones, but I do. I believe that God's plan was for us to come down to earth, receive a body like his and learn and grow. Through this mortal experience, we are learning what we need to learn in order to return to live with him again one day. So think about this for a minute...how can we learn what we need to learn in this life if it was all smooth sailing...If we didn't experience all the emotions that life brings?
I have had friends who have said things like I can't believe in a God that would let ______ happen to people who are trying the best they can to live a good life. But when we look at this from the context of this life being a learning process it may seem just a little bit different.
I'm not saying I welcome pain, sorrow, fear, or anxiety into my life. I truly don't like to feel those things and spent many many years feeling afraid to feel those things. It was as if I felt I shouldn't have to feel those things if I was keeping the commandments and living a good life. But I've come to realize that's not really how it works. Now don't get me wrong, there is a calm and safety in keeping the commandments and following God's plan. When we lean on the Savior through our trials they don't all of the sudden disappear but they can feel lighter and not so heavy. But, it doesn't make us exempt from feeling those things. Matt 11:30 says, "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." He does make our burdens light, he will carry them but we have to let him. We have to be willing to ask and then to wait as God will give us the relief he knows we need when we need it.
I believe many times in life God has us, as mortals become angels for those around us. He will use us if we are willing and ready to listen. He knows who needs to feel his love and he knows who all needs to feel God's love. One of the ways we can feel God's love is through.
Since the month of December's Christ-centered gratitude journal is about names of Christ I want to offer a free printable to all of you. This is a small way we can show our gratitude for all you do to support us on our journey! The printable includes the names of Christ with scriptures of where the name is found or talks about what the name means. The scriptures on this printable are the same ones in our gratitude journal. We took the time to put this together so you don't have to. This would be an amazing thing to give away to someone who loves the Savior and wants to study his names in a deeper, more meaningful way.
Our hope is that you will feel our love for the Savior and for his life and mission this holiday season. We will be studying with you and I'm excited to see what this practice does for my life and my family's life! Also, we would love to hear about your experience as well. If you want to share email us back or send us a message on social media!
Christy and the Family