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Be Smarter Than the Algorithm

Hey there Friend!

Have you been seeing things on social media, google, amazon, or any other platforms you are on that you really wish the ads would just stop popping up about? There is a way to change it and I don't think it will take you much time, but when you know the secret it can be so helpful!

Social Media and Google know what you've searched for and they know what you like so they will keep sending you stuff you search for. The algorithm is very smart. You can use this to your benefit and have it show you what you want to see, and it will continue to send you more information about the types of things that you interact with. But, if you have a particular thing you don't want to see and it keeps popping up you may not know how to get rid of it.

You have the power to change that algorithm any time you want. For instance, say you are looking up something about Christmas pajamas, pretty soon Amazon will show you ads on the side of your screen with other pajamas, Instagram and Facebook and other such platforms will also start shifting to show you different types of pajamas. If you click on a site to look at their pajamas you will soon start seeing their ads to try and get you to buy from them.  This is important because this means you can choose to teach the algorithm something different. If you have a favorite speaker look up information about that speaker and you will get more content with that speaker. If you want to see more positive things, find positive people and like and comment on the things that bring you joy. You will soon find that you will see more positive information.

Likewise, use these tactics with your kids. If they have social media, look up positive messages or feeds so they see the good in the world. Encourage them to find positive examples to follow. Help them to see that they are enough! You have the power to mold them into an upstanding citizen of the community.
Some people may think this is scary, and I guess it can be, but it can also be really cool. Personally, I decided that I wanted to follow all the leaders from our church on social media that I looked up to and who I love seeing content from. When I did this, it shifted my feed to more positivity and I now can go onto social media and see way more things that uplift and edify.

The last thing I will mention is that if you have a habit you don't love, and it's hard to avoid that habit when you are on social media, maybe try and search and look up all the things that could help you with that habit and you will find so much good information. You will find the good in the world, and the people who are fighting just like you are.

I hope this information was helpful to you in some way, or maybe reminded you that you do have more control over what you see on the internet than you think you do!


Christy and the family

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