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Every Action We Take Creates A Ripple

Hey there {{ first_name|default:'' }},
Have you ever been to a pool or a lake where the water is still and peaceful? It can be very calming to watch the water and to see the stillness that it emulates.
Then someone throws a rock into the water and you can watch the ripples go out for what seems like forever. Over time they fade but they will keep on going until something stops them.
Many times in our lives I think we forget what one small act of kindness or a few simple words of encouragement can do for those around us. It truly becomes that ripple effect.
One little story I have that reminds me of this is my Grandmother. After she died someone left a book out for people to write memories about her. One woman wrote a story about when my Grandma was going through chemo and she found out that a woman across the street needed some help. I can't remember exactly what it was but my Grandmother, even while going through her own very hard trial of chemotherapy, decided to go do an act of service for her friend. I believe she baked something to take to her.
It was a very simple thing, and yet at the time I was pregnant with my 2nd child and that small act of kindness by my Grandmother really made an impact in my life. 
My grandmother taught me that one of the most important times to serve is in those moments when life is hard and you probably don't feel like serving. Her ripple effect has been felt by so many. I have heard her stories from her kids and the relationship my grandparents had was beautiful. They loved each other with pure love and treated each other with respect and kindness.
We never know the impact we can have on someone else's life. Our legacy will live on, hopefully even after we pass from this world. Today, we can be the light for someone else. Even our interactions with people at the store can make a huge difference in someone else's life! I would never be able to thank the kind people in the stores who have complimented my children, or who have smiled or encouraged me in whatever way they could but I will forever be grateful. Sometimes in those early days the only people besides my kids I would see would be those strangers in the store. Each one made a difference.
Your small contribution does matter. From us at Jackzeeplace, please know that your support matters so much! Thank you for being a part of our community!
Take Care,
Christy and the family