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Inspiring Messages

  • Top 8 Books To Move You Forward

    Hey there Friend,Do you feel like you're on the cusp of making your next move? Or maybe you're so stuck you just don't know where to go? Well some...
  • So What?

    Hey there Friend, Have you ever been really worried or scared about something, but once it actually happens it's not as bad as you thought it would...
  • Celebrate your journey, not your accomplishments

      Hey there Friend, The Olympic's only come every 4 years. These athletes work most of their lives for those few minutes of glory. Training for th...
  • How Is Your Search For Sea Shells Going?

    Hey there friend, This last weekend we went to the beach. We had a ton of fun, got sunburns and so many other adventures. Today I want to share a ...
  • Procrastination is the Enemy of Success

    Hello Again Friend, Have you ever had something you feel you should do but you just keep putting it off because of fear and doubts? If I’m being h...
  • Wellness Is More Than Physical, It's Also Spiritual

    Hello again friend,  You’ve had a fun day in the sun, yet when you are done you realize you didn’t add enough sunscreen and you have a sunburn...
  • Forgive, Because You Deserve Peace

    Hey there {{ first_name|default:'' }},  Imagine if every unkind thing someone said to us, or every negative thought we thought about oursel...
  • Every Action We Take Creates A Ripple

    Hey there {{ first_name|default:'' }},  Have you ever been to a pool or a lake where the water is still and peaceful? It can be very calming to...
  • Life Doesn't Happen To You, It Happens For You

    Hey there Friend,   "Life happens for us, not to us," Tony Robbins. So, what if we thought about life as happening for us instead of to us? I think...
  • Press Pause...

    Hey Friend! Getting that no, not getting invited, not getting the job you want... all of these types of scenarios can make us feel defeated and ...
  • Are you stuck? How can you get unstuck?

    Hey there friend, We hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Today I want to tell you a story about my 11-year-old daughter who got...
  • I See You, Mom

    Hey there friend,  This past week I was able to attend an Alex Boye concert. I know, like in real life! It was so much fun, and to be honest I l...